Track with a Redirect Method

This is a classic method that redirects a visitor through Voluum servers. Because of that, you can use a lot of path-altering options, such as rule-based paths, weights, A/B testing or AI. However, it may not be compliant with every traffic source.
- Use path altering options, such as rule-based paths, weights, AI or A/B testing
- Use redirect modes to hide referrer data.
- Easy to implement - for many cases, it doesn't require adding any scripts to a landing page. However, to cover all cases, we recommend adding a lander tracking script even for a redirect method.
- Can grab visit information (CEP parameter) from either a click URL, cookie, or HTTP referrer data
- Not complainant with some traffic sources (such as Facebook Ads (now Meta Ads))
- Tiny bit slower
- A redirect visible in a browser's address bar may discourage visitors from continuing to your page.
Lander Tracking Script
We recommend that you implement a lander tracking script to your landing page even if you use a redirect method of tracking. This script will act as a fail-safe mechanism that will allow Voluum to record a visit with all possible device and browser configurations. Note that Voluum has a mechanism that prevents it from recording the same visit twice (from a redirect and a script).
First transition with a redirect method
When a visitor clicks an ad and activates a campaign URL, they will be directed to Voluum servers. Voluum will then do four things:
- Records a visit
- Record values from tokens passed in a campaign URL
- Derive additional visit info from visitor's user agent (such as device type or country)
- Place a cookie on a visitor's browser that contains visit information (CEP parameter)
After that, Voluum will direct a visitor to a destination set in a campaign setup: an offer or lander. Path alteration features, such as rule-based paths, weights, A/B testing or AI can be used.
With a lander tracking script present on a landing page, this script also makes a request to Voluum in case a cookie wasn't saved due to a browser’s settings. If this visit was already recorded, Voluum will not record it for the second time. If it wasn't, Voluum will record this visit even without this cookie.
Second transition with a redirect method
Second transition is optional. When a visitor clicks a CTA button and activates click URL on a landing page, they are redirected through Voluum servers again. Voluum does three things on that occasion:
- Records a click
- Reads any additional data passed in tokens
- Reads a click ID value from a token
After that, Voluum will direct a visitor to an offer set in a campaign setup. Path alteration features, such as rule-based paths, weights or AI can be used.