A4G DSP as a Traffic Source
The A4G Demand-Side Platform (DSP) was created by the renown A4G, the gaming-focused traffic source platform. The DSP goes a few steps further with the inclusion of different verticals and aggregating traffic from other platforms and sources. It is an all-in-one place to get the traffic you need. Buy legitimate and performing traffic only and track with Voluum easily - because both platforms are already integrated with each other.
The following guide covers the topic of setting up a working campaign funnel in Voluum with traffic provided by A4G DSP.
Make sure you have the following things ready before you start:
- An active Voluum account. A basic knowledge of how Voluum operates is also required as this guide does not cover all options there are. Completing the Getting Started guide is sufficient.
- An active A4G DSP account with a payment option added.
- Some creatives to upload.
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I. Create a Campaign in Voluum
In the beginning, you need to create a complete campaign funnel in Voluum to get a campaign URL. Once you get this URL, you can provide it as a tracking link in A4G DSP. Creating a campaign funnel requires adding several elements to Voluum that are listed below.
In order to create a campaign funnel, perform the following steps:
A. Create an offer element. Read the Add an Offer to Voluum article to learn how to do that.
B. (Optionally) Create a lander element. Read the Add a Lander Element article to learn more.
C. Create a traffic source element. Voluum provides you with an A4G DSP traffic source template, so you can use it and skip most of the manual setup. In order to use this template, perform the following steps:
- In Voluum, go to Traffic sources.
Click the Create button.
- Select the A4G DSP template.
- Click the Next button.
- You can change or adjust any option in the New traffic source form. Once you have done so, click the Save button.
D. Create a campaign.
In Voluum, go to Campaigns, click the Create button and select the Campaign Simple or Campaign Advanced option from the drop-down menu.
D.1 Provide basic campaign information
- In the New Campaign form on the BASIC tab provide the name of your campaign in the Campaign name text field.
- (Optional) If you have the Workspaces feature enabled on your account, select the Private Workspace from the drop-down menu that you want this campaign to be assigned to. Read the Workspaces: Overview article to learn more.
- Select the A4G DSP traffic source that you have just created from the drop down menu.
Click the Next button.
D.2 Provide traffic destination information
- In the DESTINATION tab select the campaign destination type radio button.
- Select offer and lander elements that you have created. Read the Set Flows and Paths article to learn more.
Click the Save button.
D.3 Copy the campaign URL by clicking the Copy button.
Now your campaign funnel is ready to receive traffic from A4G DSP.
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II. Create a campaign in A4G DSP
In this step, you will create a campaign in A4G DSP and provide the copied campaign URL as a target tracking link to complete the circuit. To do so, perform the following steps:
Upload creatives.
In A4G DSP, click the Campaigns tab and select the Creative library option from the drop-down menu.
- In the Manage library section click the icon to create the new folder.
Provide the name of the new folder in the Enter directory name text field and click the Add directory button.
- Click the icon next to the newly created folder to upload new creative or creatives.
- In the Reference URL text field paste the campaign URL that you have copied from Voluum.
- In the Alter text text field provide a meaningful name of your creative.
- Click the Add files button and select the file or files that you want to upload. You can upload up to 10 creatives at once.
Click the Start upload button.
- Once the upload is complete, you will see the "Success! All selected images are now uploaded to your profile" message.
Create a campaign
Now you need to create a campaign in A4G DSP with the creative that you have just uploaded. In order to do so, perform the following steps:
Provide campaign information.
In A4G DSP, click the Campaigns tab and select the Campaigns option from the drop-down menu.
- Click the Add campaign button.
- Provide a campaign name into the Campaign name text field.
- Select a campaign type from the Campaign type drop-down menu.
- Select a traffic type by clicking the appropriate radio button.
Once you have set other campaign options according to your needs, click the Save button.
The "Campaign created successfully! Add the first creative to start progress." notification will appear.
Create a creative.
- In the Create a creative screen provide a name of your creative in the Creative ad name text field.
- Select a type of media from the Media type drop-down menu,
- Provide a value for your bid in the Bid value text field.
- Provide a value for the frequency of showing your ad to the same person in the Frequency in the last 24 hours text field.
- Select a creative that you have just uploaded from the Image library drop-down menu.
In the Click URL text field paste again the copied Voluum campaign URL.
Voluum Info: The campaign URL provided here overrides the campaign URL provided upon a creative upload. If you want to use the same creative in different campaigns, you only need to provide different campaign URL when creating a campaign.
- Provide the domain name of your page.
Once you have set other creative options according to your needs, click the Save changes button.
That is it, those were all the necessary steps needed to make Voluum and A4G DSP work together. Obviously there is more to it, with extra options and possibilities offered by both platforms, but completing these steps will guarantee you a working setup.
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A4G DSP Tracking Tokens
Token |
Description |
{clickid} |
Click ID |
{cost} |
Cost |
{placement_id} |
Placement ID |
{placement} |
Placement name |
{category} |
Category |
{media_type} |
Media type |
{exchange_name} |
Ad exchange name |
{ifa} |
Ifa |
{app_id} |
App ID |
{creative} |
Creative name |
{device} |
Device type |
{ad_id} |
Ad ID |
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