Voluum and Branch.io
You can connect Branch.io with Voluum to use the former app's mobile attribution capabilities and Voluum's tracking and reporting options. This setup allows you to connect multiple marketing channels and analyze them as a whole in Voluum.
Before You Start
Before you start, make sure you have the following things ready:
- Universal Ads access in Branch.io - Universal Ads is a premium product priced on Monthly Active Users. Learn more at: https://help.branch.io/using-branch/docs/universal-ad-partner-integration-guide
- The application added in Branch.io
- Active Voluum account
Step 1: Add Voluum as Ad Partner in Branch.io
Go to Ads / Partner management and select Voluum from the list of Ad Partners. Enable the partner by clicking Save & Enable.
Once enabled, the Ad Partner Settings: Voluum section will appear with Partner Identifier, which will be added to each link created for this partner.
Step 2: Configure postback in Branch.io
Go to the Postback Config tab.
Click Add New Postback.
Select the event which the postback will be associated with and click Save.
In Advance Edit select the POST method for the Postback and Connect type: application/json.
Replace the default domain with your Voluum tracking domain.
- Save the changes.
Step 3: Configure Custom Conversions in Voluum
In order to track the events from Branch.io correctly, add a Custom conversion in Voluum for each event you wish to track;
- In Voluum, go to Settings / Custom Covnersions.
parameter value should be the same as the event name sent by Branch.io in postback.Voluum Note: Event names in branch.io have a specific structure. Event name that you shouled add in Voluum is the event name for which the Postback has been added plus Branch name appended to it. It’s because the token for passing event type name has the following structure: ${ (name)! }Branch. For example, the event name that will be passed in postback for complete registration will be COMPLETE_REGISTRATIONBranch (note: small/big letters do matter!), so et parameter value in Voluum’s Custom conversion must be exactly the same: COMPLETE_REGISTRATIONBranch
Step 4: Create Link in Branch.io
Branch Click ID parameter ~click_id
will be automatically added to each link created for Voluum Ad Partner, along with Voluum {clickid}
token already appended to it.

Attribution Window - recommended to use ad partner attribution settings:

Click on Create Voluum Link and select what kind of link you want to create.
Name the link. Ad partner and Ad format should be already selected by default - if not, you can edit them.
Optionally, go to Configure Options where you can edit Deep Linking/ Redirects/ Analytics Tags.
- Once you’re ready, click on Create Link Now.
There will be two links: Click Tracking Ad Link and Impression Tracking Link. Use the Click Tracking Ad Link as an Offer URL in Voluum. The
part is already included in the link.