Notifications are the best way to be in the loop with your campaigns. You can rest easy when event counters reach expected levels or you can simply celebrate when you get your first conversion.
Notifications are available in both Voluum applications: web and mobile. You can select which notifications you want to see from the predefined list of system notifications.
Desktop and Mobile Notifications
Notifications come in the form of a standard push notification that is displayed in your web browser or Voluum mobile application.
Push notifications synchronize with each other across the web and mobile platforms. This means that the same notification can be viewed on both platforms, viewing it on one platform marks it as read in the other platform.
The following article describes how notifications look and work in the Voluum web application. To learn about how notifications look in the Voluum mobile application, read the Voluum Mobile App: Notifications article.
Viewing Notifications
Inbox preview:
All unread notifications can be view after clicking the icon in the bottom-left corner of the screen. . Once you click this icon, it will show you the Inbox preview:

Note that if you view a given notification on your mobile device, it will be marked as read and will disappear from the inbox preview.
Full inbox view:
You can always view all notifications, both read and unread, in the inbox view. To go to the inbox, simply click the View all notifications in the inbox preview.

Inbox allows you to view, read, delete or mark as useful or not useful all notifications that you have received.

In order to manage your notification, hover your mouse cursor over the notification and click one of the buttons to delete it or mark as useful or not useful:

Notification Preferences
In the notification preferences, you can select system events that you want to be notified about, check if notifications are enabled in your web browser and download Voluum Mobile application. To go to the notification's preferences, perform the following steps:
- In Voluum, go to the Settings page.
Go to the Notifications tab.
List of Notifications
In the Notification preferences view there is a list of predefined events, called System notifications. When enabled and all conditions are met, you will receive a notification. There are the following system notifications:
- First conversion in campaign: You will be notified when your campaign receives the first conversion.
- Conversion cap at 75% of daily limit: You will be notified when conversions in the offer reach 75% of the daily cap limit.
- Conversion cap at 100% of daily limit: You will be notified when conversions in the offer reach 100% of the daily cap limit.
- Limit of events exceeded: You will be notified about exceeding the limit of events included in your subscription.
- Limit of events exceeded twice: You will be notified when you exceed the limit of events included in your subscription twice.
- Payment failed: You will be notified when your automatic payment for the new billing month fails.
- Payment success: You will be notified when your payment has been received only if your earlier payment has failed.
You can disable notification about any of those events by switching the toggle off.