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Adding Click URLs to a Lander

Click URLs are used to redirect visitors from a lander to an offer. The number of offers and a type of link on a lander will determine the Voluum click URL type:

  • If you want to link to only one offer from your landing page (even from several places) or you want to randomly rotate your offers, you need to use click URL. In this case each click URL, even used several times, leads to the same offer or to a randomly selected offer. 
  • If you want to link to several offers with a corresponding number of CTA links or buttons on the same landing page, use multi-offer click URLs which is like a click URL with an ordinal number attached. This number points to a respective offer. In this case each of the multi-offer click URLs leads to the same, one offer out of several offers used.

Overall, there are four cases which are described in detail in the further parts of this article. These cases contain the following types of information:

  • Which type of click URL should be selected
  • How to paste this URL to a landing page
  • Which options to select in a lander or offer setup for proper visitor redirections.

Where Do Click URLs Appear on a Landing Page?

Click URLs direct visitors to an offer, so they have to be hidden under clickable elements on a landing page. Typically it is a link or a button with some sort of enticing text, such as "Click here!" or "Buy now". Depending on the type of your landing page you will have to manually paste click URL link(s) to the HTML code or provide it to your landing page webmaster.

I. Get Your Click URL / Multi-offer URL

First of all, you need to get your click URL / multi-offer click URL that you are going to paste on your landing page. To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. In Voluum, click the  icon (top right screen).
  2. Go to the Tracking URLs tab. You will see the URLs that are used to track conversions.
  3. Go to the CLICK URL section.

    • For a single CTA link / button copy the Click URL
    • For multiple CTA links / buttons copy the Multi-offer click URL
    Voluum tracking URLs
  4. Once the URLs have been copied, leave the Voluum platform and go to your landing page.

II. Add the Click URL(s) to Your Landing Page

Once you have obtained a click URL or a multi-offer click URL, jump to an appropriate section that describes a scenario that is the most relevant to your business needs:

A. Single Offer With a Single CTA Button

B. Single Offer with Multiple CTA Buttons

C. Rotating Offers with a Single CTA Button

D. Several Offers with a Corresponding Number of CTA Buttons

  • A. Single Offer With a Single CTA Button

    A click URL is used with a single CTA button that links to one offer only.

    click URL to offer diagram
    • Your click URL 
    • <body> 
      <a href="/article/">Click here to win!</a> 

      Your landing page:

      This click URL should be placed into the <body> section of a landing page’s HTML.

    • Your Voluum setup: In a given path, add only one lander and one offer. In a lander element setup, set the number of CTAs to 1.
  • B. Single Offer with Multiple CTA Buttons

    A click URL is used with several CTA buttons that all link to the same offer.

    Single offer with multiple CTAs diagram
    • Your click URL 
    • <body>   .    .  <a href="">Click here to win!</a>   .   .  <a href="">Click here to win!</a>   .   .  <a href="">Click here to win!</a>   .   . <body>

      Your landing page:

      These click URLs should be placed into the <body> section of a landing page’s HTML.

    • Your Voluum setup: In a given path, add only one lander and one offer. In a lander element setup, set the number of CTAs to 1.
  • C. Rotating Offers with a Single CTA Button

    A click URL is used with a single CTA button that leads to a randomly selected offer from a selection.

    Rotating offer with a single CTA button diagram
    • Your click URL 
    • <body>   .    .   . <a href="">Click here to win!</a>   .   .   . <body>

      Your landing page:

      These click URLs should be placed into the <body> section of a landing page’s HTML.

    • Your Voluum setup: In a given path, add only one lander and several offers. In a lander element setup, set the number of CTAs to 1.
  • D. Several Offers with a Corresponding Number of CTA Buttons

    Each of several multi-offer click URLs is used with a corresponding CTA button that link to corresponding offers. For example, if your landing page contains three different CTA buttons that link to three offers, you need three separate multi-offer click URLs.

    Diagram of several CTAs leading to  a corresponding number of offers
    • Your multi-offer click URLs:

      Voluum Info: Note that when you copy a multi-offer click URL from Voluum, it will be a single link with a 1 digit at the end. To create more links you have to duplicate this link and change this number to the subsequent number. Create as many links as you want to have offers and CTA buttons on this landing page.

    • <body>   .   .  <a href="">Click here to win!</a>  .   .  <a href="">Click here to install an app!</a>  .   .  <a href="">See today's promo!</a>  .   .  </body>

      Your landing page:

      Each multi-offer click URL should then be placed into the <body> section of a landing page’s HTML.

    • Your Voluum setup: In a given path, add only one lander and several offers. In a lander element setup, set the number of CTAs respectively to the number of added offers (3 in this example). Offers will be selected in descending order, so the first multi-offer click URL from the top of a landing page will link to the first offer from a path, the second URL will link to the second offer and so on.

Once you have pasted the Voluum's click URL or multi-offer click URL, you can use this landing page with a corresponding lander element in your campaign funnel.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have more questions? You might find answers below:

My click URL doesn't work, what to do?

Test your campaign via Campaign URL. If you do not start with Campaign URL, “cep” parameter will be empty and Voluum won’t be able to identify a visit, won’t assign Click ID and won’t redirect a visitor to a correct Offer.

Why am I not tracking clicks?

The most common reason for not tracking clicks is not having a lander (landing page) in your setup. Clicks in Voluum are activations of a click URL that is put on a landing page. If your campaign links directly from an ad to an offer, Voluum will only record visits and conversions.

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