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Cost sources

There are many ways Voluum can get updates on costs. These ways range from information passed in token, updated manually, or via integration. Cost sources are marked in Voluum with a special icon. The following article describes what these icons mean.


Source of the cost

Cost distribution in drill-down


Campaign setup (token or manual cost tracking)

passed to each report dimension with attributed visit

The cost value is taken either from a value set manually in the campaign's setup or value passed via the cost token.

Manual cost update

passed to each report dimension with attributed visit

The cost value is taken from manual cost updates which distribute cost evenly among all visits.


passed to each report dimension with attributed visit

The cost value is transferred via the API integration and passed to each report group with an attributed visit.

Integrated plus estimations

Only when filtered by campaign

The cost value is fetched for a campaign level only. Cost estimations for various dimensions are based on a evenly distributing campaign cost among all visits.

Integrated plus estimations

Based on the previous time range

Cost value is estimated between integration intervals using CPV from the last time period.



Cost value has more than one source.

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