Moving Campaign Elements Between Workspaces
Campaign funnels might get really complex, with many elements connected to each other. For example, one lander might be used in two different campaign funnels in two different contexts. When you set those campaign funnels in two different Workspaces where there are different users assigned to, you might not want your users to see stats relevant to each funnel. To avoid risks of sharing with other users campaign elements that they are not supposed to see, moving elements between Workspaces is limited to certain scenarios only. The below list shows typical uses cases for moving campaign elements:
Use case 1: You can move campaign's elements between Workspaces that are not connected to other elements:

Use case 2: You can move campaign's elements from the Public Workspace to the Private Workspace, if all elements connected with that campaign's element are in that Private Workspace:

Use case 3: You can move campaign's elements from the Private Workspace to the Public Workspace, if all elements connected with that campaign's element are in the Public Workspace.

Any activities while moving elements from one Workspace to another are determined by one basic rule: you cannot move any campaign's element if it changes its visibility to other users (Workers).
Elements Relationships
Campaign elements can be in different relationships with each other.
- Horizontal relationship: It means sharing the same Workspace (private or public).
- Vertical relationship: It describes the dependency of one element from another (being in the same campaign funnel).
- The cross-section of horizontal and vertical relationship: It determines permission to move the campaign element or not.
For example, consider having a campaign with an offer and a lander beneath (vertical relationship), both in the Public Workspace (horizontal relationship). The cross-section of these relationships tells you, that you can move this campaign to another Private Workspace, because the visibility of all elements to other users will not change. If this campaign had a private offer, you would not be able to move the campaign to another Private Workspace, because users assigned to that new Workspace would be able to see the offer from the original Workspace. The visibility of the element would be changed, so this is prohibited.
Roles also limit the rights to move campaign elements. Account Owner and Admins can move campaign's elements to and from the Public Workspace, but a Worker cannot. Workers also have no permission to move elements to and from the Private Workspace that they are not assigned to.
Moving Elements
In order to move a campaign element from one Workspace to another, perform the following steps:
- In Voluum, go to the given campaign's element tab. The campaign element view will show up.
- Click the campaign's element that you want to change a Workspace for and click the Edit button.
In the campaign's element form go to the Workspace section and select the appropriate Workspace.
- Click the Save button.
Removing Connections to Other Elements
You can always remove the given element from the campaign funnel. When moving the campaign to a different Workspace, a dialog box will appear around an automatic detachment of all connected elements.
If you get the error message, it means that there are relationships with other elements that prohibit moving this element
Below you can find detailed scenarios of moving campaign's elements between different Workspaces:
Moving between Private Workspaces
- Campaign - can be moved between Private Workspaces if no private elements are connected to the campaign
- Offer - can be moved between Private Workspaces if not connected to other elements or no private elements are connected with this offer
- Lander- can be moved between Private Workspaces if not connected or no private elements are connected with this lander
- Flow - can be moved between Private Workspaces only if public elements are used in the flow
Moving from a Public Workspace to a Private Workspace
- Campaign - element is not available in the Public Workspace
- Offer - can be moved to the Private Workspace if no public elements are used above the offer
- Lander - can be moved to the Private Workspace if not connected to other campaign's elements
- Flow - can be moved to the Private Workspace if public elements are used in the flow
Moving from a Private Workspace to a Public Workspace
- Campaign - element is not available in the Public Workspace
- Offer - can be moved to the Public Workspace if not connected to other campaign's element or no private elements are beneath the offer
- Lander - can be moved to the Public Workspace if not connected or has private elements above
- Flow - can be moved to the Public Workspace if public elements are used in the flow