Enabling SSL for a Custom Domain
You can set the encryption connection between the server and your visitors' web browser by turning on Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for your Custom Domain. This one is particularly important when you need to set up a secure connection for your campaign funnels. This will enable you to use
Before You Start
Almost 90% of Internet traffic is generated by modern browsers that support the SSL/TLS certificate. It means that when you set up the SSL option for your Custom Domain, most of your visitors will see campaigns that you are advertising. However, it might happen that some visitors cannot see the ad because they use the browser that does not support the encryption protocol (either TLS or SSL) option.
Browsers Supported With SSL
SSL is supported with all modern browsers as listed below:
Desktop browser: |
Mobile browser: |
Google Chrome
Android browser
Apple Safari
Mobile Safari
Mozilla Firefox
Windows Mobile
Opera Mobile
Internet Explorer
| |
Microsoft Edge
Browsers Unsupported with SSL
Desktop browser: |
Mobile browser |
Internet Explorer All versions installed on Windows XP |
Android browser Installed on Android 1.x and 2.x |
Charges and Plan Upgrade
SSL for your Custom Domain is available on Profit pricing plan and above in the following quantities: 3 on the Profit pricing plan and 5 on the Scale pricing plan. So if you want to enable SSL for your custom domain on Discover pricing plan, you need to upgrade to a higher plan.
Voluum Info: In order to be able to use the SSL option for your custom domain you need to read and agree with the adequate terms and conditions. Keep in mind that these terms and conditions are specifically dedicated to using the SSL option and go beyond the typical terms and conditions defined in the Voluum platform. You can find them on the Voluum's official website: https://voluum.com/terms-and-conditions/.
Requesting an SSL
If you want to use the secure connection for your Custom Domain, you need to request an SSL certificate from our support. To do that, perform the following steps:
- In Voluum, click the
button to go to Settings. The Settings view will show up.
Go to the Domains tab.
In the Custom domains section click the Request SSL button.
Select checkboxes next to your Custom Domains that you want to enable SSL for and click the Request SSL button.
Voluum Note: You need to have at least one custom domain added to your account and the CNAME set to your Voluum Dedicated Domain prior to requesting an SSL certificate. To learn how to add a custom domain, read the Adding a Custom Domain article.
In the contact form, you will find a predefined message based on your input. You can also provide any other SSL-related info you might want to send to us. Click the Send button.

We will notify you when SSL is enabled. You will notice the icon next to the Custom Domain name with an SSL certificate enabled.

Updating Your Campaign Funnel with SSL
After enabling SSL for your selected Custom Domains, remember that you need to update all URL links with HTTPS protocol to have a fully secure campaign funnel. Double check if you use only one type of protocol to avoid mixing up the HTTP with HTTPS links. Modern browsers see this as a conflict. Cookies saved for the HTTPS links cannot be accessed by the HTTP link. The user sees the notification next to the HTTPS links in the web browser, but when the user is directed towards the HTTP links, the
notification next to the address is displayed. This might discourage user to click further. To read more, go to the Google Web Fundamentals: What Is Mixed Content? article.
Once the SSL certificate is enabled on your domain, update all links listed below with HTTPS protocol:
For campaigns where there are only offers (without landing pages):
- Campaign URL in your traffic source (outside Voluum)
- Offer URL in Voluum only if the offer link of the promoted offer uses a secure connection
- Tracking pixel, if used
- Postback URL in your affiliate network (outside Voluum), only if affiliate network requires it
For campaigns where there are landing pages and offers:
- Campaign URL in your traffic source (outside Voluum)
- Offer URL in Voluum only if the offer link of the promoted offer uses a secure connection
- Lander URL in Voluum only if the lander link to your landing page uses a secure connection
- Click URL on your landing page
- Tracking pixel, if used
- Postback URL in your affiliate network (outside Voluum), only if affiliate network requires it
It is good practice to test your campaign funnel after any changes made to it. Read the Testing guide article to learn how to perform a test. Also, you can use your Custom Domain as a Redirect Domain, even with an SSL certificate. To learn more, read the Enabling SSL for a Redirect Domain article.Step 4: Testing Your Campaign
Deleting an SSL-enabled Custom Domain / SSL Certificate
You can delete either an SSL-enabled Custom Domain itself or just an SSL certificate. Either of the two options is available only after contacting our Customer Success team. In order to do that, follow these steps:
- In Voluum, click the
button to go to Settings. The Settings view will show up.
- Go to the Domains tab.
Click the Contact us to delete button.
Provide information if you want to remove an SSL-enabled Custom Domain or just an SSL certificate and click the Delete SSL button
SSL for a Redirect Domain
An SSL certificate that you buy is sold "per domain", not "per service". That means that if you use Custom Domain with an SSL, you can set it up to use as a Redirect Domain without additional charges. To learn how to do that, read the Enabling SSL for a Redirect Domain article.
Frequently Asked Questions
Have more questions? You might find answers below:
Can I move my newly paid SSL certificate to another domain?
No, it's per domain. You cannot assign a certificate to other domain.
If you are sure that the setup is right, check the DNS status inside Voluum. Only once the subdomain will be correctly cNAMEd to your Voluum dedicated domain, and your host provider propagates it, the DNS status will turn to “verified” and you will be able to request the SSL. Please note that enabling the SSL for your custom domain may take up to 1 hour. You can check the current status by hovering over the padlock icon that is located just before the custom domain name. Green padlock - SSL enabled. Yellow padlock - SSL is pending. Red padlock - SSL is not active.