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Voluum Tracking Tokens

The list below provides the complete list of all Voluum Tracker dynamic tracking tokens with a description.

You can modify values passed in these tokens using Token functions (for Profit pricing plan and above).

{clickid}Voluum click ID value
{externalid}Click ID assigned by a traffic source platform
{externalidparameter}External ID type
{}Token for passing click ID value to a traffic source with a postback URL
{payout}Offer payout value
{cost}Visit cost value
{}Campaign ID value
{}Campaign name
{}Traffic source ID
{}Traffic source name
{device}Device type
{brand}Device brand
{model}Device model
{browser}Browser name
{browserversion}Browser version
{os}Operating system name
{osversion}Operating system version
{country}2-letter country code
{countryname}Country name
{isp}Internet service provider name
{connection.type}Connection type
{carrier}Mobile carrier
{ip}IP os a visitor
{referrerdomain}Referrer domain
{}Transaction ID passed from an affiliate network
{var1}Custom variables matched with traffic source's tokens from {var1} to {var10}
{var:variable name}Custom variable name
{eventType}Custom conversion event type
{conversion.cost}Cost of a conversion
{}Workspace ID
{}Workspace name
{}The ID of a path used in a campaign
{useragent}Visitor's user agent
{trackingdomain}Tracking domain name
{referrerdomain}Referrer domain name
{postbacktime}Postback time
{payout.currency}Currency of the payout
{param1}Additional postback parameter from 1-5
{}Name of the path

What are tracking tokens?

Tracking tokens are placeholders for information passed in HTTP requests. Once the HTTP link is activated, these tokens are replaced with concrete values. For example, {country} token may be replaced with Germany value, if a visitor comes from this country.

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