Time-To-Convert Metric Settings
You can customize thresholds for the Time-To-Convert (TTC) Metrics. This will change how your TTC metric values are calculated and presented in the following columns:

- Low TTC
- Optimal TTC
- High TTC
The Mean Time-To-Install value is calculated in the same way regardless of the TTC thresholds.
Voluum Note: Changing Time-To-Convert Metric settings causes the incoming traffic characteristics will be checked against newly set options. Past suspicious TTC values will NOT be recalculated with those settings. Keep that in mind while analyzing variations of TTC values over time. Read the Changing Metric Settings article to learn more.
Configuring Time-To-Convert Metrics
You can configure the Low TTC and High TTC thresholds to suit your needs. To configure TTC values, perform the following steps:
- In Voluum, go to the Advanced module.
- Go to the MTTC tab.
- Provide the Low TTC and High TTC values in the text fields.
Click the Save button.
From now on, your traffic is checked using the newly set thresholds.
Reset to Defaults
Voluum has default settings saved if you need to go back and restore them. To restore default values, perform the following steps:
- In Voluum, click the
icon in the top-right corner of the screen. The Settings view will show up.
- Go to the MTTC tab.
- Click the Reset to default button.
- Click the Save button
Changing setting back to default values will not affect your past traffic data in any way. Only your new traffic data from now on will be checked using the default values of the Anti-Fraud Kit.