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Enabling SSL for a Redirect Domain

You can set the encryption connection between an advertisement and the domain that you use for redirect by turning on Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for Redirect Domain. This one is particularly important if you use the Meta refresh or Double meta refresh redirect option in your campaign funnels. To read more about different redirect modes, read the Redirect Modes article.Redirect Modes

With SSL enabled for your Redirect Domain, you will have you to use the HTTPS protocol for the redirect, so your visitors will see a secure connection through an entire funnel. The below guide instructs you how to enable the SSL certificate for the Redirect Domain.

I. Request SSL

In order to be able to set up a secure connection for your funnel where there is a redirection, you need to enable the SSL certificate for your domain. You can enable it either for your Dedicated Domain or Custom Domain.

II. Select the Redirect Domain

Once you have enabled the SSL certificate and had it work, you can select a domain that you want to use as Redirect Domain. In order to do that, perform the following steps:

  1. In Voluum, click the  button.
  2. Go to the Domains tab. 
  3. Go to the REDIRECT DOMAIN section.

    • To use Dedicated Domain as Redirect Domain:

      1. Select the radio button next to your Dedicated Domain name.
      2. Click the Save button.

        Voluum redirect domain
    • To use Custom Domain as Redirect Domain:

      1. Select the radio button next to the Custom option.
      2. Provide the name of your Custom Domain that you have enabled SSL for.

        Voluum Note: If you provide the name of the Custom Domain that is not an SSL-enabled domain, but is properly configured (the  icon is visible next to the Custom Domain name), your funnel will work without SSL on the Redirect Domain. The visitor will see the   notification next to the HTTPS link in an address bar in a browser, but when directed to the HTTP link, the notification will appear. This might discourage the visitor to click further.

      3. Click the Save button.

        SSL in redirect domain in Voluum

III. Configure a Campaign Funnel

You have now configured the Redirect Domain with an SSL certificate enabled. Before the secure connection will be introduced / applied to the redirection mechanism, you need to remember two things:

  • The secure connection to the Redirect Domain will work only if an initial redirection from campaign URL was from HTTPS link. If you don't use it, the redirection will also go through the HTTP protocol and the connection will remain unsecure.
  • Select either the Meta refresh or Double meta refresh option as a redirect mode in a campaign destination or in a flow setup.

    Voluum redirect type

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