Event Log
Event log tracks all actions that were performed on your Voluum account by you or other invited users.

Event log
Locate all actions that happened on a Voluum account using search filters.
Setup | ![]() |
Default setting | No default value |
Setting | Optional |
Availability | Available only for Account Owner and Admins |
Pricing Plan | All pricing plans |
Click here to read more about Event log:
To properly take advantage of the Event Log you need to, firstly, define the scope of the Event Log and then, secondly, read the fetched data.
I. Defining Event Log Scope
You need to define search criteria to fetch only a desirable part of a log.
In Voluum, click the
icon to go to the Settings view.
Click the Event log tab. The Event log view will show up.
Select appropriate criteria from drop-down menus:
Users: Select a user that you want to find actions for or leave the All users option.
Actions: Select action type. You can select between Create, Change, Archive, Restore and Login types or leave All actions option.
Entities: Select entity type. You can select between Campaign, Traffic Source, Offer, Affiliate Network, Lander, Flow, Account entities or leave the All entities option.
Date: Select the date range of your inquiry.
Click the Refresh button. Your data will appear in 7 columns:
User email
Entity type
Action type
Entity name / IP Address
Entity ID
Changed at
II. Reading an Event Log
Event Log present data as a list of campaign elements that were affected by user actions. If you want to see detailed information on how a given campaign element was changed, perform the following steps:
In the Event log list, double click an entry that you want to see details for. The action details window form will show up.
Click the
icon to expand different parts of the campaign element.
Old value Represents value prior to the change
New value: Represents value after change
- Click the Close button to close the action details form.