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TrafficJunky as a Traffic Source

What is TrafficJunky?

TrafficJunky is a CPM-based ad network that focuses on providing adult traffic to your ads. They work with the biggest names in their field. With the help of this guide, you can set up tracking their traffic in just a few simple steps.

Before You Start

Before digging into the setup, make sure that you have:

  • An active Voluum account.
  • An active TrafficJunky account.
  • An offer, and optionally, a landing page.

I. Create a Campaign in Voluum

In the first step of this guide, we describe how to create a campaign in Voluum. This will provide you with a campaign URL that you will submit as a target URL in TrafficJunky in the second step. In order to create a campaign in Voluum, perform the following steps:

  1. Create an offer element. Read the Add an Offer to Voluum article to learn how to do that.
  2. (Optionally) Create a lander element. Read the Add a Lander Element article to learn more.
  3. Create a traffic source element.

    1. In Voluum, go to Traffic sources.
    2. Click the Create button and select the Traffic source option from the drop-down menu.

      Voluum adding a new traffic source
    3. Select the TrafficJunky template.
    4. Click the New button. The New traffic source form will appear.

      Select TrafficJunky template in Voluum
    5. Click the Save button.
  4. Create a campaign

    In Voluum, go to Campaigns, click the Create button and select the Campaign Simple or Campaign Advanced option from the drop-down menu.

    Select campaign type in Voluum
    1. Provide basic campaign information.

      1. In the New Campaign form on the GENERAL tab provide the name of your campaign in the Campaign name text field.
      2. (Optional) If you have the Workspaces feature enabled on your account, select the Private Workspace from the drop-down menu that you want this campaign to be assigned to. Read the Workspaces: Overview article to learn more.
      3. Select the TrafficJunky traffic source that you have just created from the drop-down menu.
      4. Click the Next button.

        Setup TrafficJunky campaign in Voluum
    2. Provide traffic destination information.

      1. In the DESTINATION tab select the campaign destination type radio button.
      2. Select offer and lander elements that you have created. Read the Set Flows and Paths article to learn more.
      3. Click the Save button.

        Setup TrafficJunky campaign destination in Voluum
    3. Copy the campaign URL to the clipboard by clicking the Copy button.

      Copy TraffiCJunky campaign URL from Voluum

You have now successfully created a campaign in Voluum.

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II. Create a Campaign in TrafficJunky

Creating a campaign in Voluum has provided you with a campaign URL. Now you need to go to TrafficJunky to specify traffic targeting options and submit this campaign URL. In order to do so, perform the following steps:

  1. In TrafficJunky, go to the Campaigns tab.
  2. Click the New campaign button.
  3. Select a campaign type from the drop-down menu.

    Create TrafficJunky campaign 1
  4. Provide a name for your campaign in the Campaign name text field.

    Create TrafficJunky campaign 2
  5. Set placement and schedule options according to your needs and click the Save & Continue button.

    Create TrafficJunky campaign 3
  6. Set the ad type and dimensions.
  7. Paste the copied campaign URL from Voluum in the Target URL text field.

    Create TrafficJunky campaign 4
  8. Drag and drop your creatives into the Upload your banners field.
  9. Once you have uploaded all creatives, click the Confirm Ads button.

    Create TrafficJunky campaign 5
  10. Click the Save & Continue button.

    Create TrafficJunky campaign 6
  11. Select spots where you want to display your ads on publishers' websites.
  12. Click the Save & Next button.

    Create TrafficJunky campaign 7
  13. (Optional) By default, your bids are set automatically. If you want, you can set individual bids on publishers' websites. To do so, click the Show bid table button and set your bids there.
  14. Click the Confirm Campaign button.

    Create TrafficJunky campaign 8

The campaign has been created successfully and now is pending approval. Once it is approved, your campaign will start receiving traffic.

III. Setup a TrafficJunky Postback URL in Voluum

This step is optional. It is about allowing Voluum to send information about conversions to TrafficJunky. By default, TraffiJunky uses a tracking pixel method to get conversion information. However, you can easily extract a postback URL from the pixel and submit it to Voluum as a traffic source postback URL. If you want to track conversions in TrafficJunky, perform the following steps:

  1. Get a postback URL from TrafficJunky

    1. Click the Tools option.
    2. Select the Conversion trackers option.
    3. Click the New tracker button.
    4. Provide a name for a tracker in the Tracker Name text field.
    5. Select an event type from a drop-down menu.
    6. Provide an event payout value.
    7. Click the Add tracker button.

      Create TrafficJunky campaign 9
    8. Click the View Code button.

    9. In the Invocation code pop-up window copy the URL part of the pixel to the clipboard.

      Create TrafficJunky campaign 10

      Your copied postback URL should look like this:

  2. Submit a postback URL to Voluum

    1. In Voluum, go to Traffic sources.
    2. Edit the TrafficJunky traffic source element.
    3. Paste the copied postback URL in the Traffic source postback URL text field and modify this URL in the following way:

      • Replace the [ACLID] token with Voluum's {externalid} token that will pass back the TrafficJunky's click ID value.
      • Delete the cb=<?=$randomNumber ?>, cti=[TRANSACTION_UNIQ_ID], ctv=[VALUE_OF_THE_TRANSACTION] and ctd=[TRANSACTION_DESCRIPTION] parameters.

      Your modified traffic source postback URL should look like this:{externalid}

    4. Click the Save button.

      Add traffic source postback URL in Voluum

You have now set the traffic source postback URL. Information about conversions will be sent from Voluum to TrafficJunky.

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TrafficJunky Tracking Tokens




Click ID


Campaign ID


Campaign Name


Site Name


Spot ID


Spot name




Banner ID


Banner Name


Ad Creative ID

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