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Optimization Guide Step 3: Rule-Based path Optimization

Once you have found you performing lander - offer pair, you can still optimize it more to get more profit with rule-based paths. They allow you to get the most out of your offers and landers by:

  • Driving more traffic to offers that respond to certain criteria. For example, if you notice that your offers perform much better on some browser types or OS versions, you can direct this type of traffic to this offer to get more conversions.
  • Adjusting the contents of your landing page accordingly to the selected criteria. For example, you can include a phone brand logo on your landing page and drive visitors using this brand of phone to make your landing page resonate more with your audience.
Drive Traffic With Certain Characteristics to a Path Based on Set Rules

Rule-based paths allow you to set one or more conditions that, if met, will direct traffic to lander(s) and/or offer(s) that you have set in this path.

1. Notice the best performing category

Voluum provides you extensive report options. With them, you can discover if one of your offers performs significantly better in one category. In our example, this category would be a mobile OS. In order to create a report that allows you to notice that, perform the following steps:

  1. In Voluum, create a specific report for your campaign.
  2. By default, you already have the Offers option selected as the first grouping option. Select the OS as the second grouping option from the drop-down menu and click the Apply button.
  3. Sort your data by profit by clicking the Profit column.
  4. Expand your data by clicking the button next to your offers.

Notice the clear winners in terms of best performing OS:

  • In Offers 1 and 2, it is Android
  • In Offer 3 it is Windows

Looking deeper into this stats you see that Offer 3 converts almost exclusively on Windows, while other OSes do not convert at all or convert but receive almost no traffic. And additionally, Windows does not perform well in Offers 1 and 2. You may consider directing all Windows traffic towards Offer 3.

2. Create a rule-based path

Until now, all your offers were in the default path:

In order to drive Windows traffic to the Offer 3, delete this offer from the default path by clicking the button next to this offer's name and perform the following steps:

  1. In the Rule-based path section in campaign's edit form, click the Add rule button.
  2. Provide a name for the rule in the Rule name text field.
  3. Click the Device condition.
  4. In the Operating system and version section, select the Windows operating system and select only desktop versions of this system.
  5. Click the New path option.

  6. Provide a name for the path in the Path name text field.
  7. Select a lander element from the drop-down menu.
  8. Select the Offer 3 element from the drop-down menu.
  9. Click the Save button.

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Drive Traffic to Customized Landing Pages

Even small customization on a landing page that is based on visitor's characteristics can improve your conversion rate. Depending on the offer type, you can think about preparing landing pages that differ in terms of:

  • Phone brand logo, if your offer is related to it
  • City, if your offer is local
  • Other

1. Prepare two versions of your landing page

In the first step, you need to prepare an appropriate number of landing pages. The difference you may introduce does not have to be significant. In our example we will prepare three variations of a landing page:

  • One for iPhone devices that will display the following headline: "Hello, iPhone user!"
  • One for Samsung devices that will display the following headline: "Hello, Samsung user!"
  • One for the remaining traffic, that is neither from iPhone nor from Samsung devices, with the generic headline: "Hello, smartphone user!"

In order to do so, perform the following steps:

  1. Create three copies of your landing page's content and implement those different headlines on each one.
  2. Upload all three versions to your hosting service to have three distinct landing page URLs.
  3. In Voluum, create three separate lander elements and provide the appropriate landing page URLs.

Now you have a destination that you want to direct your visitors. Create rule-based paths, as described in the paragraph below, to direct visitors to different landing pages based on the device brand they use.

2. Create two rule-based paths with different versions of your landing page

In order to create a rule-based path, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a rule-based path for iPhone traffic.

    1. In Voluum, in the campaign edit form, go to the DESTINATIONS tab.
    2. Click the Add rule button to create the first rule-based path.
    3. Provide a name for your rule in the Rule name text field.
    4. Click the Devices category.
    5. Select the Apple phone manufacturer.
    6. Click the New path button.

    7. Provide a name for the iPhone path in the Path name text field.
    8. Select the iPhone lander from the Landers drop-down menu.
    9. Select an offer from the Offers drop-down menu.

      The first rule-based path for iPhone traffic has been created.

  2. Create a rule-based path for Samsung traffic.

    1. Click the Add rule button to create the second rule-based path.
    2. Provide a name for the rule in the Rule name text field.
    3. Click the Devices category.
    4. Select the Samsung phone manufacturer.
    5. Click the New path button.

    6. Provide a name for the Samsung path in the Path name text field.
    7. Select the Samsung lander from the Landers drop-down menu.
    8. Select an offer from the Offers drop-down menu.

      The second rule-based path for Samsung traffic has been created.

  3. Create a default path for remaining traffic.

    1. Click the New path button in the Default path section.
    2. Provide a name for the default path in the Path name text field.
    3. Select the generic Smartphone lander from the Landers drop-down menu.
    4. Select an offer from the Offers drop-down menu.

      The default path has been created. All remaining traffic that has not been identified as coming from iPhone or Samsung devices will be directed here.

This concludes the Optimization Guide. You now have basic skills to notice patterns and adjust traffic targeting options. Use this knowledge to begin your adventure with traffic optimization and with affiliate marketing.

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