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Voluum and Tune (HasOffers) Network

Voluum and Tune can work together to bring you the best proprietary affiliate network experience you can have. With Tune's flexible infrastructure and Voluum's vast reporting options, you can reach new heights of digital advertising. Find out how Voluum can enhance your everyday work with your Tune-based network:

  • Voluum can provide you with additional traffic characteristics, such as country or device ID.
  • Track additional variables that you can pass from Tune.

How Does It Work?

In the scenario where Voluum acts as an expansion, or an overlay of your Tune-based network, the whole perspective shifts. Voluum goes between your network and your offers. Voluum's campaign URL become offer URLs in Tune, and Tune becomes a traffic source for Voluum.

Once you configure everything correctly, affiliates will be able to find your offers through Tune. Once they start promoting them, a visitor that clicks an ad for this offer will be directed through Tune and Voluum to the final offer.

I. Setting up Voluum and Tune

The following article describes the recommended way of configuring Tune and Voluum. In this setup, two parameters will be configured to be passed from Tune to Voluum: affiliate ID, which will identify a person advertising your offer, and transaction ID, which will identify the specific transaction. Note that conversion reporting has to be done on the offer owner's side. There are two ways of doing that:

  • Implementing Voluum's conversion pixel on their "Thank You" page.
  • Setting up a server that will fire an S2S postback to Voluum

In order to configure both platforms to work together, perform the following steps:

  1. Add your actual offers as offer elements in Voluum. Read the Add an Offer to Voluum article to learn more.
  2. Add a custom traffic source element in Voluum. It will represent your Tune-based network. In it, configure custom variables in the following way:

    • External ID

      • Parameter: Type in the name of the parameter that will be used to pass a transaction ID value: transaction_id.
      • Token: Type in the name of the token that will be substituted with the transaction ID value: {transaction_id}.

    • var1:

      • Name: Type in the name of the custom variable that will be matched with the transaction ID, for example: Affiliate ID.
      • Parameter: Type in the name of the parameter that will be used to pass an affiliate ID value: affiliate_id
      • Token: Type in the name of the token that will be substituted with the actual affiliate ID value: {affiliate_id}
  3. Create a campaign in Voluum with this traffic source and offers. Copy the campaign URL to the clipboard:

  4. Submit the campaign URL that you have copied from Voluum to your Tune-based network as an offer URL.

    (Optional) If you want to pass conversions back to your Tune-based network, you need to get and modify the Tune postback URL. The URL template looks as follows:

    You need to replace the YOUR_NETWORK_ID phrase with your actual network ID value.

  6. (Optional) Edit the traffic source that you have created and paste the Tune's postback URL in the Traffic source postback URL text field.

II. Check the Stats

Once your affiliates start sending traffic, you will be able to check the stats of each of your affiliate. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a specific report of your campaign.
  2. Select the V1: Affiliate ID option from the first grouping drop-down menu and click the Apply button.
  3. Check the stats of each of your affiliates.

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